Technical translation

Medical translation

Software and websites

Literary translation

Translation of video
and audio materials

Live Tanslation,

Text Editing by a native
Russian speaker

Notarial certification
of the translations

correspondence translation,
urgent translation

Quality Evaluation


Welcome to the website of Eng-Rus translation agency!

  • The agency was founded in 2001.

  • Each employee of staff in our agency possesses deep knowledge of language and abundant experience of work.

  • The most experienced specialists can render the translation of the highest quality in the shortest terms, being supplied with the modern maintenance facilities.

  • Application of "translation memory" technologies provides the unity of translation, the key terms, and unity of translation in work at the large project.

    The Eng-Rus agency is specialized in Russian language and translates professionally.

  • The translators of the most various specializations form the staff of our agency, as specializing is the key factor in rendering a high-grade translation.

  • The project manager, whose task is to choose the translators for the translating to be performed, shall discuss with client all his wishes and adjust the terminology accordingly. We give an opportunity of access to list of translators through the website. Thus, the customers can form the the team of translators they wish to work with them.

  • Our services can be paid by bank transfer, WebMoney and/or E-Gold payment systems.

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